If you know me, you know I love to travel. I don't need to go far although sometimes it is a nice luxury when it happens. Wanted to share a couple snipets of adventure from home and afar.
The first image is from Tent Ridge in the Spray Valley by Canmore, Alberta. This is a very instagram famous hike and for good reason. With marginal elevation gain you were surrounded by stunning views following a horseshoe shaped ridge. After a while of enjoying the ridge you are greeted with a remarkable view looking over the lake and surrounding mountains.

This one is close to home, Battleship lake up Paradise Meadows in Strathcona Park, Vancouver Island. I've been here in a variety of weather and seasons and to be back at the end of summer while it was perfectly calm and the water being relatively warm was an amazing way to finish the summer.

While on a roadtrip in Alberta I stopped in Calgary to see some of it's architecture and say hello to a friend. This stunning art piece I stumbled upon while taking a couple photographs of the Shane Holmes YMCA. This piece is called Convergence, a beautiful and to me deeply philosophical sculpture.

The following images taken from BC Ferries - The Horseshoe Bay to Nanaimo route. A place that has almost become a second home with what feels like the frequency I'm on it at times. Generally I like to align sunset with when I'm passing as I've seen I swear some of the best sunsets a BC Ferries vessel.
